
Good Doctor/Episode Ratings

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< Good Doctor

Episode ratings for KBS2 drama Good Doctor

Date Episode TNmS (%) AGB Nielsen (%)
Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul
2013-08-05 01 10.5 (11th) 10.3 (12th) 10.9 (6th) 11.6 (5th)
2013-08-06 02 13.6 (3rd) 14.6 (4th) 14.0 (3rd) 15.1 (3rd)
2013-08-12 03 13.8 (4th) 14.6 (4th) 15.3 (3rd) 16.2 (3rd)
2013-08-13 04 15.9 (3rd) 16.9 (3rd) 15.8 (3rd) 15.8 (3rd)
2013-08-19 05 16.5 (3rd) 17.6 (2nd) 18.0 (3rd) 18.5 (3rd)
2013-08-20 06 18.4 (3rd) 20.4 (1st) 19.0 (3rd) 20.0 (2nd)
2013-08-26 07 17.2 (3rd) 18.1 (2nd) 17.4 (3rd) 18.2 (3rd)
2013-08-27 08 17.5 (3rd) 19.0 (2nd) 18.4 (3rd) 18.5 (3rd)
2013-09-02 09 17.0 (3rd) 18.3 (3rd) 17.4 (3rd) 17.4 (3rd)
2013-09-03 10 18.5 (2nd) 20.5 (2nd) 18.4 (3rd) 18.3 (3rd)
2013-09-09 11 18.3 (3rd) 20.2 (1st) 18.3 (3rd) 18.7 (3rd)
2013-09-10 12 20.0 (2nd) 22.2 (1st) 19.4 (2nd) 19.4 (2nd)
2013-09-16 13 17.5 (3rd) 19.3 (2nd) 17.9 (3rd) 18.4 (2nd)
2013-09-17 14 18.9 (3rd) 20.3 (2nd) 18.6 (3rd) 19.3 (2nd)
2013-09-23 15 18.5 (3rd) 20.2 (2nd) 19.6 (3rd) 20.3 (2nd)
2013-09-24 16 20.9 (2nd) 22.7 (2nd) 21.5 (2nd) 22.8 (2nd)
2013-09-30 17 18.0 (3rd) 20.5 (2nd) 20.3 (3rd) 21.1 (2nd)
2013-10-01 18 19.0 (3rd) 21.4 (3rd) 20.6 (3rd) 21.5 (3rd)
2013-10-07 19 17.6 (3rd) 20.1 (3rd) 19.0 (3rd) 20.0 (3rd)
2013-10-08 20 19.5 (3rd) 22.4 (3rd) 19.2 (3rd) 19.5 (3rd)
Average 17.4% 18.9% 18.0% 18.5%
2013-08-15 Special 7.5 (19th) 8.5 (15th) 7.3 (18th) 7.9 (16th)

Sources: TNmS Media Korea, AGB Nielsen Korea


  • Due to popular demand, KBS2 airing a 3 hour special episode on August 15th from 9:40am until 12:40pm. The special segment features the highlights of the first 4 episodes.--Source