Hong Kong Ghostbusters
From DramaWiki
- Title: 靈舍不同 / 灵舍不同
- Cantonese/Mandarin title: Ling Seh But Tung / Ling She Bu Tong
- English title: Hong Kong Ghostbusters
- Genre: Sitcom
- Episodes: 43
- Broadcast network: ATV
- Broadcast period: 2007-Nov-05 to 2008-Jan-20
- Air time: Monday to Friday 21:00-21:30
- Opening theme song: Sum Yau Ling Sai (心有靈犀) by Chan Chin Pang and Elle Choi
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User/Viewer Ratings
- Ruco Chan as Ah Dai
- Elle Choi as Kei Kei
- Billy Lau as Lau Ye
- Amy Fan
- Priscilla Chi
- Wong Oi Yiu
- Mickey Chu
- William Chow
- Ng Yuen Yee
- Lee Lai Ha (李麗霞)
- Philip Keung
- Wan Kwong (尹光)
- Wai Lee (威利)
- Tam Tsz Ling