
KBS2 Wednesday & Thursday Night 21:55

From DramaWiki

KBS2 Wednesday & Thursday (9:55 PM)

Title Start Date End Date
Kick Kick Kick Kick 2025-Feb-05 2025-???-??
Who Is She! 2024-Dec-18 2025-Jan-23
Face Me 2024-Nov-06 2024-Dec-12
Dog Knows Everything 2024-Sep-25 2024-Oct-31
Perfect Family 2024-Aug-14 2024-Sep-19
Bad Prosecutor 2022-Oct-05 2022-Nov-10
If You Wish Upon Me 2022-Aug-10 2022-Sep-29
Jinxed at First 2022-Jun-15 2022-Aug-04
Love All Play 2022-Apr-20 2022-Jun-09
School 2021 2021-Nov-24 2022-Jan-13
Dali and Cocky Prince 2021-Sep-22 2021-Nov-11
Sell Your Haunted House 2021-Apr-14 2021-Jun-09
Hello, Me! 2021-Feb-17 2021-Apr-08
Cheat on Me, If You Can 2020-Dec-02 2021-Jan-28
Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol 2020-Oct-07 2020-Nov-26
Memorials 2020-Jul-01 2020-Aug-20
Fix You 2020-May-06 2020-Jun-25
Meow, the Secret Boy 2020-Mar-25 2020-Apr-30
Forest 2020-Jan-29 2020-Mar-19
Woman of 9.9 Billion 2019-Dec-04 2020-Jan-23
When the Camellia Blooms 2019-Sep-18 2019-Nov-21
Justice 2019-Jul-17 2019-Sep-05
Angel's Last Mission: Love 2019-May-22 2019-Jul-11
Doctor Prisoner 2019-Mar-20 2019-May-15
Liver or Die 2019-Jan-09 2019-Mar-14
Feel Good To Die 2018-Nov-07 2018-Dec-27
The Ghost Detective 2018-Sep-05 2018-Oct-31
Your House Helper 2018-Jul-04 2018-Aug-29
Suits 2018-Apr-25 2018-Jun-14
Mystery Queen 2 2018-Feb-28 2018-Apr-19
The Black Knight 2017-Dec-06 2018-Feb-08
Mad Dog 2017-Oct-11 2017-Nov-30
Manhole 2017-Aug-09 2017-Sep-28
Queen for Seven Days‎ 2017-May-31 2017-Aug-03
Mystery Queen 2017-Apr-05 2017-May-25
Chief Kim 2017-Jan-25 2017-Mar-30
Naked Fireman 2017-Jan-12 2017-Jan-19
Oh My Geum Bi 2017-Nov-16 2017-Jan-11
On the Way to the Airport 2016-Sep-21 2016-Nov-10
Uncontrollably Fond 2016-Jul-06 2016-Sep-08
Master: God of Noodles 2016-Apr-27 2016-Jun-30
Descendants of the Sun 2016-Feb-24 2016-Apr-14
God of Trade - Innkeeper 2015 2015-Sep-23 2016-Feb-18
Assembly 2015-Jul-15 2015-Sep-17
Masked Prosecutor 2015-May-20 2015-Jul-09
Unkind Ladies 2015-Feb-25 2015-May-14
Thank You, Son 2015-Feb-11 2015-Feb-12
The King's Face 2014-Nov-19 2015-Feb-05
Blade Man 2014-Sep-10 2014-Nov-13
Gunman in Joseon 2014-Jun-25 2014-Sep-04
Golden Cross 2014-Apr-09 2014-Jun-19
Inspiring Generation 2014-Jan-15 2014-Apr-03
Bel Ami 2013-Nov-20 2014-Jan-09
Secret Love 2013-Sep-25 2013-Nov-14
Expect to Date 2013-Sep-11 2013-Sep-12
The Blade and Petal 2013-Jul-03 2013-Sep-05
Heaven's Will: The Fugitive of Joseon 2013-Apr-24 2013-Jun-27
IRIS 2 2013-Feb-13 2013-Apr-18
Jeon Woo Chi 2012-Nov-21 2013-Feb-07
No Such Thing as Nice Guys 2012-Sep-12 2012-Nov-15
Bridal Mask 2012-May-30 2012-Sep-06
The Equator Man 2012-Mar-21 2012-May-24
Wild Romance 2012-Jan-04 2012-Feb-23
Man of Honor 2011-Oct-12 2011-Dec-28
The Princess' Man 2011-Jul-20 2011-Oct-06
Romance Town 2011-May-11 2011-Jul-14
Thorn Birds 2011-Mar-02 2011-May-05
President 2010-Dec-15 2011-Feb-24
Fugitive: Plan B 2010-Sep-29 2010-Dec-08
King of Baking, Kim Tak Goo 2010-Jun-09 2010-Sep-16
Cinderella's Sister 2010-Mar-31 2010-Jun-03
Chuno 2010-Jan-06 2010-Mar-25
IRIS 2009-Oct-14 2009-Dec-17
Take Care of the Young Lady 2009-Aug-19 2009-Oct-08
Partner 2009-Jun-24 2009-Aug-13
That Fool 2009-Apr-29 2009-Jun-18
Hateful But Once Again 2009-Feb-04 2009-Apr-23
Kyung Sook's Father 2009-Jan-21 2009-Jan-29
The Kingdom of the Winds 2008-Sep-04 2009-Jan-15
Hometown Legends 2008-Aug-06 2008-Sep-03
Women of the Sun 2008-May-28 2008-Jul-31
One Mom and Three Dads 2008-Apr-02 2008-May-22
Hong Gil Dong 2008-Jan-02 2008-Mar-26
In-Soon is Pretty 2007-Nov-07 2007-Dec-27
Sa Yug Shin 2007-Aug-08 2007-Nov-01
Capital Scandal 2007-Jun-06 2007-Aug-02
The Devil 2007-Mar-21 2007-May-24
Dal Ja's Spring 2007-Jan-03 2007-Mar-15
Hwang Jin Yi 2006-Oct-11 2006-Dec-28
Fugitive Lee Doo Young 2006-Sep-27 2006-Oct-04
Special Crime Investigation 2006-Sep-13 2006-Sep-21
The Invisible Man 2006-Jul-05 2006-Sep-07
Great Inheritance 2006-May-03 2006-Jun-29
Goodbye Solo 2006-Mar-01 2006-Apr-20
Golden Apple 2005-Nov-16 2006-Feb-23
My Rosy Life 2005-Aug-24 2005-Nov-10
Resurrection 2005-Jun-01 2005-Aug-18
Sea God 2004-Nov-24 2005-May-25
Second Proposal 2004-Sep-08 2004-Nov-18
Full House 2004-Jul-14 2004-Sep-02
April Kiss 2004-Apr-21 2004-Jul-08
More Beautiful Than a Flower 2004-Jan-01 2004-Apr-14
Rosemary 2003-Oct-29 2003-Dec-25
Jang Hee Bin 2002-Nov-06 2003-Oct-23
Man of the Sun, Lee Je-ma 2002-Jul-24 2002-Oct-31
Empress Myung Sung 2001-May-09 2002-Jul-18
Roll of Thunder 2000-Oct-18 2001-Apr-12
Ad Madness 1999-May-04 2000-Jan-13
When She Beckons 1997-Sep-24 1998-Feb-12
Sea of Ambition 1997-Mar-05 1997-Sep-11
A Faraway Nation 1996-Sep-18 1997-Feb-27
Hometown Legends (1996 season) 1996-Jun-26 1996-Sep-12
Color 1996-May-01 1996-June-20
Project (프로젝트) 1996-Mar-06 1996-Apr-25
Papa 1996-Jan-03 1996-Feb-29
Making Men (남자 만들기) 1995-Nov-08 1995-Nov-30
Sons of the Wind (바람의 아들) 1995-Aug-30 1995-Nov-02
The Blue Sky (창공) 1995-May-10 1995-Jun-29
Land of People (인간의 땅) 1994-Oct-12 1995-Feb-23
Feelings 1994-Jul-20 1994-Sep-08
Mudang 1994-May-25 1994-Jul-14
Police (폴리스) 1994-Jan-26 1994-Mar-24
White Maze (백색 미로) 1993-Oct-20 1993-Dec-09
Survivor's Grief (살아남은 자의 슬픔) 1993-Aug-25 1993-Oct-14
A Powerful Sword (비검) 1993-Jul-22 1993-Aug-19
Good Morning Young Dong (굿모닝 영동) 1993-Jun-02 1993-Jul-15
Joy Amidst Sadness (기쁨이면서 슬픔인 채로) 1993-Apr-07 1993-May-27
Hope (희망) 1993-Feb-10 1993-Apr-01
Red Zone (적색지대) 1992-Nov-25 1993-Feb-04
Husband's Woman (남편의 여자) 1992-Sep-23 1992-Oct-15
Black Self-Portraits (검은 자화상) 1992-Jun-24 1992-Aug-06
Man in Crisis (KBS) (위기의 남자) 1992-Apr-29 1992-Jun-18
Whale Hunting '92 (92' 고래 사냥) 1992-Mar-04 1992-Mar-26
Listening to Mozart on Wednesdays (수요일은 모짜르트를 듣는다) 1992-Feb-05 1992-Feb-27
Kyoto 25th Hour (교토 25시) 1991-Dec-04 1992-Jan-30
Asphalt My Hometown (아스팔트 내 고향) 1991-Nov-06 1991-Nov-28
Near the Valley (가까운 골짜기) 1991-Jul-10 1991-Aug-01
Tingling Fingertips (저린 손 끝) 1991-Jun-05 1991-Jul-04
The Woman Sets the Dining Table (밥상을 차리는 여자) 1991-Apr-10 1991-May-02
Thief's Wife (도둑의 아내) 1991-Mar-06 1991-Apr-04
Autumn Flowers in Winter Trees (가을꽃 겨울나무) 1991-Jan-02 1991-Jan-31
While You Were Dreaming (KBS) (그대 아직도 꿈꾸고 있는가) 1990-Oct-03 1990-Oct-25
Earthling (지구인) 1990-Jun-27 1990-Aug-16
Winter Stranger (겨울 나그네) 1990-Mar-28 1990-Jun-21
Freezing Point (1990) (빙점) 1990-Jan-03 1990-Feb-22
Endless Love (1989) (끝없는 사랑) 1989-Dec-06 1989-Dec-28
Half of a Failure (절반의 실패) 1989-Sep-13 1989-Nov-30
The Region of Calm (무풍지대) 1989-Jun-28 1989-Sep-07
The Forest Does Not Sleep (숲은 잠들지 않는다) 1989-May-03 1989-Jun-22
Wang Rung's Family (왕룽일가) 1989-Feb-08 1989-Apr-27
Whoa Hey Whoa Hey (훠어이 훠어이) 1988-Dec-07 1989-Feb-02
Punggaek (풍객) 1988-Oct-12 1988-Dec-01
The Winter That Year Was Warm (그해 겨울은 따뜻했네) 1988-Aug-03 1988-Sep-22
The Golden Tower (황금의 탑) 1988-Mar-02 1988-Jul-28