
Spell of the Fragrance

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Spell of the Fragrance


  • Title: 国色天香 (國色天香) / Guo Se Tian Xiang
  • Also known as: Spell of [the] Fragrance
  • Genre: Romance, tragedy
  • Episodes: 33
  • Broadcast network: Hunan TV
  • Broadcast period: 2010-Oct-26 start
  • Opening theme song: Shang Shan Ruo Shui (上善若水) by Mickey He
  • Ending theme song: Hui Bu Qu (回不去) by Mickey He and Deng Tian Qing (邓天晴)


The Xiang family and Gong family have a long history of rivalry as fragrance families. Su Family's oldest daughter, Su Yu Ning is the given the title number one Perfumer and is well known not only by her skills in fragrance but also for her beauty. Gong family's successor, Gong Shao Hua and Yu Ning are childhood friends and have an arranged marriage. However, when Shao Hua returns from his studies from Shang Hai, he discovers that Yu Ning and Xiang family's successor, Xiang Hao Yu, are engaged and to be married soon. Not believing Hao Yu's words and Yu Ning's betrayal, the two men have a fight only to be stopped by Hao Yu's father. Angry that his father would break his arranged marriage to Yu Ning, Shao Hua rides away from the scene only to infuriate his father and cause his early death. At his father's funeral, and Yu Ning and Hao Yu's marriage day, he vows to get his revenge on the Xiang family for killing his father and taking away Yu Ning.

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Correlation Chart

Su Family

Xiang Family

Gong Family


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