Upcoming JDrama
From DramaWiki
Move Article to Root of DramaWiki
Seeing Ruroshin is now implementing this article as an official one on DramaWiki, I recommended that we move it out of YT's user path and place it at the root of DramaWiki - along with all the others. Having it sit in a user's path would give the impression that it is owned by the user (although YT originally owned it, but it doesn't seem to be the case anymore.) Groink 18:09, 28 Mar 2006 (EST)
Made Autumn 2006 schedule dymanic
Rather than editing the upcoming dramas and then later on copying it to a totally new article, I went ahead and created the Autumn 2006 article ahead of time, and added it to this article as an include. If you need to edit the Autumn 2006 table, edit using this link. I've also placed this same link to the article itself. Having it prepared this way, it makes the upcoming schedule more dymamic. Groink 06:20, 28 Jul 2006 (EDT)