
Cunning Single Lady/Episode Ratings

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< Cunning Single Lady

Episode ratings for MBC drama Cunning Single Lady

Date Episode TNmS (%) AGB Nielsen (%)
Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul
2014-02-27 01 4.1 4.9 5.4 6.5
2014-02-27 02 5.7 7.0 6.4 7.4
2014-03-05 03 8.1 10.8 (12th) 10.3 (15th) 11.9 (9th)
2014-03-06 04 7.8 10.1 (17th) 8.9 (19th) 9.6 (17th)
2014-03-12 05 8.0 9.9 (17th) 9.2 (17th) 10.4 (11th)
2014-03-13 06 7.9 10.0 (17th) 8.5 9.4 (20th)
2014-03-19 07 8.1 (19th) 9.9 (13th) 8.3 (19th) 8.9 (16th)
2014-03-20 08 7.8 (20th) 9.5 (19th) 8.7 (18th) 9.7 (15th)
2014-03-26 09 8.5 (19th) 10.1 (15th) 8.7 (16th) 9.9 (12th)
2014-03-27 10 7.9 (19th) 9.9 (18th) 8.5 (18th) 9.1 (15th)
2014-04-02 11 7.7 (19th) 9.6 (15th) 7.9 (16th) 8.9 (14th)
2014-04-03 12 8.7 (19th) 11.2 (12th) 8.8 (18th) 10.3 (16th)
2014-04-09 13 9.2 (16th) 11.7 (9th) 8.2 (16th) 9.0 (11th)
2014-04-10 14 9.1 (18th) 11.2 (11th) 9.1 (18th) 10.5 (12th)
2014-04-23 15 7.8 (17th 10.3 (12h) 9.3 (13th) 10.8 (8th)
2014-04-24 16 7.5 (19th) 9.6 (14th) 9.2 (13th) 10.7 (10th)
Average 7.7% 9.7% 8.5% 9.6%

Sources: TNmS Media Korea, AGB Nielsen Korea


  • The average ratings of the rerun for episode 1-2 on March 1st was 6.1% for Nationwide, and 7.0% for Seoul, based on AGB Nielsen, surpassing its original broadcast.[1]
  • The broadcast of episode 15 and 16 was postponed due to the Sewol ferry capsizing which happened on the morning of April 16th. Instead, news specials were aired on April 16th and 17th. - Source