
Captivating the King/Episode Ratings

From DramaWiki

< Captivating the King

Episode ratings for the tvN drama Captivating the King

Date Episode Nielsen Korea (%)
Nationwide Seoul
2024-01-21 01 3.977 4.077
2024-01-21 02 3.089 3.224
2024-01-27 03 3.286 3.550
2024-01-28 04 6.016 5.968
2024-02-03 05 3.868 -
2024-02-04 06 5.461 5.350
2024-02-09 07 4.162 4.573
2024-02-10 08 4.733 4.863
2024-02-11 09 6.369 6.290
2024-02-11 10 6.703 6.792
2024-02-17 11 4.100 4.240
2024-02-18 12 5.938 5.837
2024-02-24 13 4.942 5.272
2024-02-25 14 6.675 7.082
2024-03-02 15 5.609 6.030
2024-03-03 16 7.763 7.915
Average 5.609% -

Source: Nielsen Korea


  • Episodes 1 & 2 will air back-to-back on January 21.
  • Episodes 7, 8, 9 & 10 will air on 3 consecutive nights beginning Feb. 9, Feb. 10, and Feb. 11 (Lunar New Year holiday weekend). Episodes 9 & 10 aired back-to-back on Feb. 11.