
Clean with Passion for Now/Episode Ratings

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< Clean with Passion for Now

Episode ratings for the JTBC drama Clean with Passion for Now

Note: This drama airs on cable channel / pay TV which has a relatively small audience compared to free-to-air TV / public broadcasters (KBS, MBC, SBS, and EBS).

Date Episode Nielsen Korea (%)
Nationwide Seoul
2018-11-26 01 3.272 3.605
2018-11-27 02 3.320 3.201
2018-12-03 03 3.483 3.374
2018-12-04 04 3.394 2.986
2018-12-10 05 3.533 3.708
2018-12-11 06 2.997 2.841
2018-12-17 07 3.435 3.366
2018-12-18 08 3.574 3.516
2018-12-24 09 2.777 2.864
2018-12-25 10 3.304 3.565
2019-01-14 11 2.131 -
2019-01-15 12 2.084 -
2019-01-21 13 2.139 -
2019-01-28 14 2.027 -
2019-01-29 15 1.906 -
2019-02-04 16 1.583 -
Average 2.810% -

Source: Nielsen Korea


  • No new episodes aired on Dec. 31 or Jan. 1.
  • Episodes did not air on Jan. 7, 8, and 22 due to the broadcast of matches from the 2019 UAE Asian Cup.