
Dance of the Heart

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Dance of the Heart


  • Title: 眉飛色舞 (眉飞色舞) / Mei Fei Se Wu
  • English Title: Dance of the Heart
  • Broadcast network: FTV
  • Broadcast period: 2004


How far away are dreams? How high can love go? For love, for dreams, one person's price and sacrifice, how profound can it be?

The story starts with Tang Yong Xi going off to England to study abroad for the memories of his first love, Wang Ling and becoming England's Royal Dance Company's youngest, Asian dancer. For the past 10 years, he has not returned back to the country. His dancing has broken free of ballet and he has his own standard in dancing. Because he finds out that he has Ankylosing Spondylitis that's when he decided to return to the country. In order to make a dream which he and Wang Ling had in the past come true, he organizes a ballet play symbolizing the freedom of love between two people. Yet, when he returns back to the country, he influences Xiao Fei and Ke Mei, these young people's future.

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