
Miss Hammurabi/Episode Ratings

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< Miss Hammurabi

Episode ratings for the JTBC drama Miss Hammurabi

Note: This drama airs on cable channel / pay TV which has a relatively small audience compared to free-to-air TV / public broadcasters (KBS, MBC, SBS, and EBS).

Date Episode Nielsen Korea (%) TNmS (%)
Nationwide Seoul
2018-05-21 01 3.739 4.179 3.7
2018-05-22 02 4.553 5.201 4.8
2018-05-28 03 5.045 5.487 4.9
2018-05-29 04 4.924 5.147 4.1
2018-06-04 05 4.735 5.049 5.2
2018-06-05 06 5.083 5.612 5.1
2018-06-12 07 4.475 4.726 4.6
2018-06-18 08 4.523 4.660 4.7
2018-06-19 09 4.495 5.053 4.6
2018-06-25 10 3.838 4.262 4.0
2018-06-26 11 3.867 3.946 4.0
2018-07-02 12 3.763 3.825 3.7
2018-07-03 13 3.438 3.704 3.4
2018-07-09 14 4.121 4.494 4.2
2018-07-10 15 4.490 5.354 4.5
2018-07-16 16 5.333 5.916 5.6
Average % % 4.4%

Source: Nielsen Korea TNmS Media


  • Episode 7 did not air on June 11 due to news coverage of the USA-North Korean Summit in Singapore.