
Swallow the Sun OST

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Swallow the Sun OST 1

Swallow the Sun OST 1
  • Title: 태양을 삼켜라 OST 1 / Swallow the Sun OST 1
  • Artist: Various Artists
  • Language: Korean
  • Release Date: 2009-Jul-23
  • Number of Tracks: 3
  • Publisher: KMP Holdings (KMP홀딩스)
  • Agency: SM Entertainment (SM엔터테인먼트)
Track Listing
No. Song Title Artist
1. Fate
TRAX (트랙스) and Air (에어)
2. Voice
TRAX (트랙스) and Air (에어)
3. Aeru
Z'ta (지타)

Swallow the Sun OST 2

Swallow the Sun OST 2
  • Title: 태양을 삼켜라 OST 2 / Swallow the Sun OST 2
  • Artist: Various Artists
  • Language: Korean, English
  • Release Date: 2009-Aug-13
  • Number of Tracks: 4
  • Publisher: Loen Entertainment (로엔엔터테인먼트)
  • Agency: Sponge Entertainment (스펀지엔터테인먼트)
Track Listing
No. Song Title Artist
1. A Good Day Without You
그대없이 좋은날
Gavy NJ
2. Don't Cry
3. Fragment of a Dream
꿈의 조각
EG (이지)
4. It's True, I Love You
사랑해서 그래
Soul Verry (소울 베리)

Swallow the Sun OST

Swallow the Sun OST
  • Title: 태양을 삼켜라 OST / Swallow the Sun OST
  • Artist: Various Artists
  • Language: Korean
  • Release Date: 2009-Aug-20
  • Number of Tracks: 16
  • Publisher: KMP Holdings (KMP홀딩스)
  • Agency: SM Entertainment (SM엔터테인먼트)
Track Listing
No. Song Title Artist
1. Fate
TRAX (트랙스) and Air (에어)
2. Voice
TRAX (트랙스) and Air (에어)
3. Aeru
Z'ta (지타)
4. That Place
그 자리에
TRAX (트랙스) and Air (에어)
5. Swallow the Sun (Title)
태양을 삼켜라 (Title)
Choi Sung Wook, Kim Ji Soo (김지수)
6. Rising Sun
떠오르는 태양
Kim Ji Soo (김지수)
7. Shadow (Tension Theme)
그림자 (Tension Theme)
Choi Sung Wook
8. First Meeting (Zune Classic Guitar)
첫만남 (Zune Classic Guitar)
Park Joon Soo (박준수)
9. Bohemian Waltz Kim Ji Soo (김지수)
10. Fugitive (Zune Rock)
도망자 (Zune Rock)
Park Joon Soo (박준수)
11. After Parting (Forward March)
이별뒤에 (Forward March)
Choi Sung Wook
12. In the Night Sky (Night TP)
밤하늘에 (Night TP)
Choi Young Joon (최영준)
13. Swallow the Sun (Title Slow)
태양을 삼켜라 (Title Slow)
Choi Sung Wook, Kim Ji Soo (김지수)
14. Regret (Tension for Hope)
후회 (Tension for Hope)
Kim Ji Soo (김지수)
15. Man Story (Russian TP)
남자이야기 (Russian TP)
Kim Ji Soo (김지수)
16. Last Farewell (Tirle 2AP)
마지막 인사 (Tirle 2AP)
Park Joon Soo (박준수)

Swallow the Sun OST (Special Album)

Swallow the Sun OST (Special Album)
  • Title: 태양을 삼켜라 OST (Special Album) / Swallow the Sun OST (Special Album)
  • Artist: Various Artists
  • Language: English
  • Release Date: 2009-Aug-28
  • Number of Tracks: 16
  • Publisher: CJ E&M
  • Agency: Mako Music (마코뮤직)
Track Listing
No. Song Title Artist
1. Swallow the Sun (Classic Ver.)
태양을 삼켜라 (Classic Ver.)
Choi Sung Wook
2. Desire Zdenek Barták
3. Everything Must Change Todd Gordon
4. Dance With Me Mú Carvalho
5. Dance Like N Africa Lou Bega
6. I Am Not Alone Zdenek Barták
7. D'inverno Luigi Rubino
8. Solveig`s Song Edvard Grieg
9. This Masquerade Alba
10. Freedom Zdenek Barták
11. Romantic Dresses Mú Carvalho
12. Last Dance Luigi Rubino
13. Pathétique (Symphony No.6 mov.4 - P.Tchaikovsky)
비창 (Symphony No.6 mov.4 - P.Tchaikovsky) (Drama Ver.)
Choi Sung Wook
14. A Train That Never Leaves Olle Nyman
15. Voice (English Ver.)
목소리 (English Ver.)
Jin Han Uhl (진한얼)
16. Fate (English Ver.)
운명 (English Ver.)
Jin Han Uhl (진한얼)

See also