The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back
From DramaWiki
- Title: 如來神掌再戰江湖 / 如来神掌再战江湖
- Cantonese title: Yu Loi San Jeung Joi Jin Gong Wu / Ru Lai Shen Zhang Zai Zhan Jiang Hu
- English title: The Buddhism Palm Strikes Back
- Genre: Wuxia
- Episodes: 20
- Broadcast network: TVB
- Broadcast period: 1993-Jun-14 to 1993-Jul-09
- Air time: Monday to Friday 21:15 - 22:15
- Opening theme song: Tagathata God Palm (如來神掌) by Jacky Cheung
- Ending theme song:' Remember the Autumn Days (留住秋色) by Jacky Cheung and Vivian Chow
- Related TV series: Palm of Ru Lai
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- Eddie Kwan as Lung Kim Sang 龍劍生
- Elvina Kong as Gung Suen Ling Fung 公孫靈鳳
- Johnny Ngan as Tung Dou Cheung Lei 東島長離
- Gordon Liu as Fo Wan Che San 火雲邪神
- Ada Choi as Tin Heung 天香
- Jimmy Au as Hau Yat Fei 侯逸飛
- Fung So Bor as wet nurse
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