Tokumei Tantei
From DramaWiki
- Title: 匿名探偵
- Title (romaji): Tokumei Tantei
- Title (English): Detective Anonymous
- Genre: Detective, Drama
- Broadcast network: TV Asahi
- Air Time: Fridays 23:15 to 24:15
Season 1
- Episodes: 9
- Viewership ratings: 10.46
- Broadcast period: 2012-Oct-12 to 2012-Dec-07
- Theme song: Roppongji Shinju by Yuriko
An unidentified investigator (Takahashi Katsunori) rents a room at a multi-tenant building with shady strip clubs. Although he is an investigator, he is not an occupational investigator, but a troubleshooter who undertakes various jobs as a go-between for the sake of money. He usually does odd jobs at a strip club, and sometimes solves trivial stalking and debt collecting cases as he ekes out a living. However, the requests he accepts are typically only from females. This bourbon and jazz loving, unsentimental and tough investigator uses foul language, hates being tied down more than anything, and leads a life free of mobile phones, emails and the internet. While he is not the type who is hard up for women, his policy is not to sleep with the same woman twice. However, he is extremely kind to females and because of that, he frequently gets into unnecessary trouble with women who do not pay. –Jdramas WordPress
User/Viewer Ratings
- Takahashi Katsunori as Private Detective
- Katase Nana as Kyoko Saejima
- Miura Rieko as Mayumi Aragaki
- Yamaguchi Daichi as Aoshima Itpei
- Moritsugu Koji (森次晃嗣) as Bartender
- Tayama Ryosei as Koichi Anan
- Sato Nori
- Ito Kumiko as Sasaoka Keiko (ep3)
- Awashima Zuimaro as Isomura Kanji (ep4)
- Matsunaga Yuriko as cosplayer (ep8)
Season 2
- Episodes: 9
- Viewership ratings:
- Broadcast period: 2014-Jul-04 to 2014-Sep-05
- Theme song: Can't Stop by Edge of Life
An unnamed detective has his base in an old multi-tenant building with strip clubs at a corner of one of the streets along the Chuo train line. He is a troubleshooter who through the beautiful lawyer Saejima Kyoko receives jobs from a succession of beautiful women for the sake of money. This bourbon and jazz loving, unsentimental and tough investigator uses foul language, hates being tied down more than anything, and leads a life free of mobile phones, emails and the internet. Even though he gets cheated, covered in cuts and bruises and stomped on by authority, he never gives up and solely seeks the truth for his clients. He is extremely kind to females and because of that, he frequently gets into unnecessary trouble with women who do not pay. --jdrama wordpress--
- Takahashi Katsunori as Private Detective
- Katase Nana as Saejima Kyoko
- Shiba Toshio as Barber shop owner
- Hara Mikie as Jou Kaori (Massager)
- Yamaguchi Daichi as Aoshima Itpei
- Tayama Ryosei as Koichi Anan
- Ishino Mako as Muraki Misato
- Uchida Ai as Sato Mirei (ep4)
- Takahashi Rai (ep7)
Production Credits
- General Producer: Kuroda Tetsuya
- Producer: Toda Koichi, Jintsu Tsutomu, Ikeda Kuniaki (池田邦晃)
- Director: Akiyama Jun, Tsukamoto Renpei, Komatsu Takashi
- Screenwriter: Ozaki Masaya, Takayama Naoya
- Music: Nakanishi Kyo
External Links