
June Bride

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June Bride


  • Title: ジューン・ブライド
  • Title (English): June Bride
  • Episodes: 12
  • Viewership ratings: 11.0
  • Broadcast network: TBS
  • Broadcast period: 1995-Apr-14 to 1995-Jun-30
  • Air time: Friday 20:00
  • Theme songs: Itsudemo Yume ni Hanataba o by Yamamoto Junko, Rainy Night by Fujishige Masataka


The central character of this bittersweet drama is an office worker who succeeds in marrying the man of her dreams. Her struggles and triumphs, in her personal life and at work, reflect the wrenching transition demanded of young women by the bursting of Japan's economic bubble.

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